Have a Seat- Stay Awhile!
My name is Zan. I have been weaving macrame jewelry since 2008. It all started with a highschool art class where my teacher taught us to macrame weave a very simple bracelet pattern- The Candy Stripe, a piece that I still own today! Check out the photos of it on the left panel, there.
That project may have been a one and done for everyone else in that classroom, but I really took to it. It ended up being perfect for me as I have an allergy to metals and I wanted to wear jewelry too! (although I care a LOT more about my skin now than I did in 2008...) It's been awhile, I am now in my 30s, and I have learned quite a bit about weaving macrame stuff! There is still so much to learn, and I discover and invent more interesting things everyday!
This website is an archive of the macrame pieces that I've made and recorded. I'm certain I've made 100s of pieces throughout various times in my life and just didn't take any photos!
The patterns and styles I use range from my own creations using the principles of macrame to free public patterns that can be found on sites like and even the occasional youtube artist! I really enjoy experimenting, breaking the rules, and mixing various styles to make interesting and exciting pieces, as well as sharing those with the world!
Please enjoy this showcase of my work and experiments with the medium! I don't own an official shop or a business, but I often sell or give away pieces at my own discretion. If any of these pieces strike yourfancy, or you have an interesting idea that you think I should make, you can contact me directly to purchase or commission a piece! Thank you for your visit!
Check out the rest of the site while you're here!
Is this a Store?
Short answer- NO.
Long answer- Eh??
In the past, once I felt comfortable enough in my own skills to do so, I attempted to monetize this skill. AND SUBSIST ON IT! Ahhh, to be young... And Exhausted.
Alas, "being a store" was something I *tried* to do, but did not succeed. Don't get me wrong, I received a LOT of encouragement! But encouragement being in short supply was not the problem, as it turned out. The problem, in fact, was the short supply of... well, SALES! It's not as if I don't make good stuff, it's just that we live in a world of HYPER-capitalist, ULTRA-monopolistic, MEGA-CORPS (Yes, I will blame capitalism. What else can ya do?) and found that my custom, handmade styles along with my extremely fragile constitution does not jive well with that kind of lifestyle. In all those attempts to become a formal business, I learned that that is REALLY not what I wanted anyway!
I found that my joy in making lies simply in MAKING and then with SHARING! Sales are nice, sure, but I prefer to GIVE! A big part of the satisfaction I get in my art is the fact that it's unique and it lasts. These weavings will be here well after I am gone, and I take a lot of pleasure in that. I can almost see the archaeologists (which are also ALIENS for some reason in my imaginary scenario) finding something I made sometime in the future and saying: "Wow, that is SO much color. My eye-stalks are killing me looking at it."
Every string, every knot, on every piece is something I personally tied myself. There is a piece of ME in every single weave and I annoint it with my time and energy. It's *infused* with my life. And that, My Friend, is priceless when it comes down to it.
So AM I a store? No, I don't think so. I am sure others may disagree, given I do sell things on occasion. However, I don't center my artistic journey around selling and profits, as it were. Even when I do put prices on things, it's all so arbitrary (and negotiable). I am mostly thinking of how much I would need to pay my bills that week. I do have a full-time day job in public service, and I *am* a queer, transgender, chronically ill anarchist living in debt, paycheck to paycheck, so that does have a bit to do with it... BUT if none of that existed, I would still weave! I would STILL make! And you can bet that in that world it would cost nothing!
Hope you are enjoying your time here so far! Happy to have you here! Take a gander around the site while you're here! Lots of fun photos to be found!
Also, if you have a little time, check out the quick links below! The website has done so much for me and others! Definitely check them out if you are interested in learning how to make things like this yourself!